
[TCT2009]Roxana Mehran教授谈洗脱支架长期安全性

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/9/25 11:42:00


International Circulation: We’re here with Doctor Mehran; Doctor, what are your thoughts about the long-term safety of sirolimus eluting stents compared with bare-metal stents? 国际循环: 和普通金属支架相比,您觉得西罗莫司洗脱支架长期安全性如何?

International Circulation: Is that extra hydration, or just assuring not-dehydration?

Prof. Roxana Mehran:
I think its over-hydration. In patients with good left ventricular  function, we recommend hydrating them up to 12 hours before exposure to contrast media, especially those at high risk for acute kidney injury. 
Prof. Roxana Mehran: 我认为是额外输入。对于左心室功能良好的患者,我们建议在暴露于造影剂12小时之前额外输入生理盐水。

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