
[AHA2011]解析TRACER 研究——TRACER首席研究者Kenneth Mahaffey教授专访

作者:  KennethMahaffey   日期:2011/11/21 16:31:00



     <International Circulation>:  One of the things that came up in the group of talks of anti-thrombotic agents was the dose.  Other anti-thrombotics seemed to get by with much smaller doses and some actually saw a better effect with a smaller dose and that maybe the extra anti-platelet effect ended up hurting the patients long-term.  Is the dose you chose for TRACER something that you may reassess in future studies?

   《国际循环》:小组会谈的抗血栓药物的问题之一是剂量。其他抗血栓药物似乎更小的剂量就可以起效,有的居然计量减小 时,疗效更佳。也许是多余的抗血小板作用,最终长期损害患者。你可能在将来重新评估TRACER 研究中选用的剂量吗?
    Prof. Mahaffey:  It is something to think about.  The pharmacology of Vorapaxar is that it has a very long half-life and accumulates in the blood stream over time regardless of the dose used.  Whether we can actually modulate the effects of Vorapaxar on the platelet to block the platelet at varying levels still needs some further thought.  Optimum dose is a strategy to be considered.   Another thing we also talked about on the panel was about whether to not use three or four agents at any given time and considering not treating with things like aspirin or thienopyridine.  We also considered studies looking at Vorapaxar and aspirin compared to other strategies.  We need to have some additional thought and reflection on the data we have collected already and see what TAR2P tells us before we are ready to make decisions on the exact pathway to move forward.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

TRACER研究Vorapaxar急性冠状动脉综合征ACSKenneth Mahaffey

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