
[AHA2011]解析TRACER 研究——TRACER首席研究者Kenneth Mahaffey教授专访

作者:  KennethMahaffey   日期:2011/11/21 16:31:00



     <International Circulation>:  With all the anti-thrombotic drugs now it seems that there may be different indications for each drug and a very diverse set of drugs in different places.  For most clinicians is this multitude of choices and interactions to consider confusing?

    Prof. Mahaffey:  This is a critically important issue and touches on a variety of different things.  It touches on how we as a research community are interpreting and sharing data within the research community itself, but also, when you have promising therapies that get to market, with physicians so they can integrate it into clinical practice.  Many physicians don’t have the time to keep up with research.   I get time to do research and don’t see patients all day every day.  For clinicians who do see patients all the time we as a research community need to synthesize the data better and interpret it better in order to figure out how to apply it in clinical practice.  This is just part of education in general.  The second thing is that we do need to study drugs across multiple indications.  This is happening now more.  Rivaroxaban, for instance, has been studied in surgical patients, in DVT and PT treatment, for atrial fibrillation, and we have just seen data from an ACS population and every one of these studies used a different dose.  If you have one drug across all the indications does make it easier because you get to learn the safety profile, dosing profile and drug/drug interactions that go with it.  Although there are few, if all a physician would have to do is remember one drug and a couple of different dosages, it would be simple.  There are a lot of drugs out there like dabigatran for atrial fibrillation and rivaroxiban.  How can an average physician compare them when we don’t have a head-to-head comparison to definitively tell you which one is better than the other?  It really is going to be an exciting time over the next few years. 


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

TRACER研究Vorapaxar急性冠状动脉综合征ACSKenneth Mahaffey

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