

  美国芝加哥大学医学中心 George Bakris   缘起   过去十年间,鉴于传统降压药物治疗常难以实现良好血压控制,人们对肾脏去神经治疗(RDN)在高血压控制领域的作用抱予极大希望和热情。若患者应用三种或三种以上药理学上作用互补的降压药(至少包含噻嗪类利尿剂、肾素- 血管紧张素- ....

[ASH2014]SYMPLICITY HTN-3研究是RDN的序幕而非终点——ASH曾任主席George Bakris教授专访

  George Bakris教授 ASH曾任主席   SYMPLICITY HTN-3研究之缘起   过去十年间,鉴于传统降压药物治疗常难以实现良好的血压控制,人们对肾脏去神经治疗(RDN)在高血压控制领域的作用抱予了极大的希望和热情。若患者应用三种或三种以上药理学上作用互补的降压药(至少....

[ASH2013]减重手术对代谢及血压的影响——Darleen Sandoval 教授采访

  Darleen Sandoval  美国辛辛那提大学   <International Circulation> :Please talk about the possible mechanisms behind the positive metabolic effect....

[ASH2013]ASH宗旨与心肾疾病间的联系——ASH前主席George L. Bakris教授专访

  George Bakris  美国芝加哥大学   <International Circulation>: You are the current past President of ASH and I was wondering if you could give us....


  Vesna D. Garovic美国Mayo Clinic肾脏与高血压科   控制妊娠高血压的合适策略   通常来讲,妊娠期收缩压应在150 mm Hg以下,舒张压在100 mm Hg以下,既往有肾脏疾病的妊娠妇女,舒张压目标值为90 mm Hg。妊娠妇女的血压目标值比非妊娠女性高,基于以下....

[ASH2012]任期主要工作成就与高血压热点问题解读——ASH主席George L. Bakris教授专访

  <International Circulation>: At this last ASH Meeting where you are sitting as President, looking back over your tenure, what is the most impo....

[ASH2012]动态血压监测的临床应用价值——ASH继任主席William B. White教授专访

  <International Circulation>: What is it you hope to accomplish in your tenure as the new ASH President?   Prof. White:  It’s a ple....


  <International Circulation>: Could you share with us your opinions on the early detection and control of vascular disease?   Prof. Wang: Vasc....

[ASH2012]获得心血管疾病有用标志物的策略——英国Glasgow大学心血管研究中心Anna F. Dominiczak教授专访

  <International Circulation>:Can you tell us more about your talk at this ASH Meeting, ‘Strategies to Get Useful Biomarkers for Cardiovas....

[ASH2012]血管纤维化和动脉僵硬度——美国Minnesota大学Daniel Duprez教授专访

  <International Circulation>: Vascular fibrosis and arterial stiffness are two situations of vascular remodeling. How will they affect cardiac ....
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